Hi, my name`s Juan Carpio but everybody calls me Juancho, I`m from la Guaira originaly. i`m 18 years old and i study low at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in San Francisco.
I love Music, dancing, playing soccer. chating, talking on the phone with my friend, pizza, my family , my country.
I hate onions, smoking, violence, listening to reguetoon.
My Dream is to graduate of the university and work in the court.
My opinion about English; I love to learn new languages. I can write and speak english well but I need to practice more.
sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008
jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008
The little boy is in the beach. He’s on vacations. He is playing with the sand in the afternoon. He is in Villa Marina beach. He’s 7 years old. He is wearing a cap, t-shirt and shorts.
The water is cold and the weather is hot and sunny. He’s walking and enjoying the sunny morning.
The water is cold and the weather is hot and sunny. He’s walking and enjoying the sunny morning.
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